10 Amazing Things to Do in Jakarta

By: Indonesia GoTo

10 Amazing Things to Do in Jakarta

Jakarta is the bustling capital of Indonesia, a city full of energy, vibrant culture, and incredible history. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveller, Jakarta offers an endless array of amazing things to do and see. From exploring the ancient history of the city to indulging in its world-class cuisine, there’s something for everyone. Here are 25 amazing things to do in Jakarta that guarantee you an unforgettable experience!

Exploring the Rich History of Jakarta


Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is a city with a rich history and a vibrant culture. The city has a lot to offer to travellers who are interested in exploring its past and learning about its present. From museums to historical landmarks, Jakarta has something for everyone.

Visit the National Museum of Indonesia

The National Museum of Indonesia is an excellent place to start exploring the rich history of Jakarta. Formerly known as the Elephant Museum, the museum features an impressive collection of artefacts and exhibits that showcase the country’s history, from prehistoric times to contemporary art. The museum’s highlights include ancient stone sculptures and gold and silver artefacts from the Indonesian Archipelago.

Visitors can spend hours exploring the museum’s galleries, which are divided into different sections that cover various aspects of Indonesia’s history and culture. The museum also has a library, a conservation laboratory, and a theatre that screens documentaries and films about Indonesian history and culture.

Explore Kota Tua, the Old Town

Take a stroll through the cobblestone streets of Kota Tua, Jakarta’s historical old town. This area is home to colonial-era buildings, museums, and traditional markets. The old town has a distinct charm, with its narrow alleys, colourful buildings, and bustling streets.

Don’t miss the Jakarta History Museum, which showcases the city’s history through dioramas, furniture, and photographs. The museum is housed in a former city hall building that dates back to the 18th century. Other must-see landmarks in Kota Tua include the Fatahillah Square, which is the heart of the old town, and the Wayang Puppet Museum, which has a vast collection of traditional Indonesian puppets.

Visitors can also explore the area’s traditional markets, which are a great place to buy souvenirs and sample local street food. The markets are known for their colourful stalls, exotic fruits, and fresh seafood.

Discover the Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum is located in a former Dutch East India Company building and gives an insight into Indonesia’s seafaring history. The museum’s collection includes maps, navigational instruments, and scale models of traditional Indonesian boats. Visitors can learn about the country’s maritime trade and exploration, which played a crucial role in shaping its history and culture.

One of the museum’s highlights is the replica of the Portuguese carrack, Flor de la Mar, which sank off the coast of Sumatra in the early 16th century. The replica is a faithful reproduction of the original ship and gives visitors a glimpse of what life was like on board a 16th-century vessel.

In conclusion, Jakarta is a city with a rich history and a vibrant culture. Visitors who are interested in exploring its past can visit its museums, historical landmarks, and traditional markets. Jakarta is a city that has something for everyone, and it is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to experience the best of Indonesia.

Experiencing Jakarta’s Vibrant Culture


Attend a Traditional Wayang Puppet Show

Wayang, the traditional Indonesian shadow puppet show, is a must-see cultural experience in Jakarta. The shows usually depict stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, and the puppeteers use intricate, colourful puppets against a lit screen to create shadows. The most popular place to watch Wayang shows is at the Wayang Museum in Kota Tua.

Visit the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, or Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park, is a cultural theme park that showcases the cultural diversity of Indonesia. The park features an array of pavilions and exhibitions that depict the customs and traditions of different regions of Indonesia. Visitors can also enjoy traditional dance performances, see the replica of Borobudur Temple, and take a cable car ride to see the park from above.

Explore the Textile Museum

The Textile Museum is the place to go if you’re interested in Indonesian textiles and traditional weaving techniques. The museum’s collection includes textiles from all over the country, ranging from batik to ikat. Visitors can watch demonstrations of weaving techniques and learn about the different designs and symbols used in Indonesian textiles.

Shopping and Dining in Jakarta


Shop at the Grand Indonesia Mall

The Grand Indonesia Mall is one of the largest malls in Jakarta and offers an extensive range of shops, restaurants, and entertainment. The mall features a mix of local and international brands, from high-end fashion to streetwear. It’s also home to several major department stores and an IMAX cinema.

Stroll through Pasar Baru Market

Pasar Baru Market is a traditional market that has been around for over a century. Here, visitors can browse through stalls selling everything from clothing, textiles, and accessories to souvenirs and local snacks. Visitors can also see how traditional fabrics are made and get haggling tips from local vendors.

Savor Indonesian Cuisine at Local Restaurants

Indonesian cuisine is diverse and full of flavour. Visitors can taste traditional dishes like nasi goreng (fried rice), sate (meat skewers), and gado-gado (mixed vegetables in peanut sauce) at a local warung (small restaurants). For a sophisticated dining experience, there are high-end restaurants in Jakarta that offer Indonesian fusion cuisine and international dishes.

Outdoor Activities and Adventures


Relax at Ancol Dreamland Beach

Ancol Dreamland Beach is a picturesque location where visitors can enjoy Jakarta’s stunning coastline. The beach features white sand, clear waters, and coconut trees. Visitors can swim, sunbathe, and enjoy the local snacks sold by beach vendors. It’s also home to several water-themed attractions and an amusement park.

Hike in the Thousand Islands

The Thousand Islands, or Pulau Seribu, are a group of small islands off the coast of Jakarta. Visitors can take a boat to explore the islands, and trek through the lush green forests, which are home to exotic birds, monkeys, and other wildlife. Visitors can also enjoy swimming, snorkelling, and diving in the crystal-clear waters of the islands.

Visit Ragunan Zoo

Ragunan Zoo is an excellent place for families to spend a day out in Jakarta. The zoo features a wide range of animals, including endangered species like the Sumatran tiger and the Javan leopard. Visitors can also take a train ride around the zoo, see animal shows, and enjoy the playgrounds and picnic areas.

There are endless opportunities for adventure and exploration in Jakarta. This city offers the perfect blend of culture, history, and modernity. Whether you’re interested in shopping, dining, or outdoor activities, Jakarta has something for you. Explore the city’s rich history, experience its vibrant culture, and indulge in its unique cuisine. With so many amazing things to do, Jakarta is a must-visit destination for every traveller!

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