Exploring the Ubud Monkey Forest Attraction: A Must-See in Bali

By: Indonesia GoTo

Are you planning a trip to Bali and looking for a unique and memorable experience? Look no further than the Ubud Monkey Forest, a must-see attraction that combines nature, spirituality, and culture. In this article, we’ll explore the history, significance, and attractions of the forest, as well as tips for planning your visit and making the most of your time there.

Introduction to Ubud Monkey Forest

ubud monkey forest

The Ubud Monkey Forest is a natural and spiritual sanctuary located in the heart of Ubud, one of Bali’s most popular tourist destinations. The forest covers 12.5 hectares and is home to over 700 Balinese long-tailed macaques, who roam freely in the lush greenery. The monkeys have become the main attraction of the forest, fascinating visitors with their playful and curious behaviour, but the forest is much more than just a monkey habitat.

The History and Significance of the Ubud Monkey Forest

The Ubud Monkey Forest has a rich and complex history, dating back to the 14th century when it served as a sacred sanctuary for Hindu priests and their followers. The forest was believed to be a source of spiritual and medicinal powers, and several ancient temples were built within its boundaries. The forest’s name, in fact, reflects its spiritual significance; Ubud means “medicine” in the Balinese language.

Over time, the forest became a symbol of the harmony between humans and nature and a centre of Balinese Hinduism and culture. Today, the forest is still considered a sacred site, and many rituals and ceremonies are held here throughout the year.

The Balinese Long-Tailed Macaques

The monkeys of the Ubud Monkey Forest are one of the main reasons for the attraction’s popularity. These mischievous and friendly creatures are used to human presence, and visitors can get up close and personal with them. However, it’s important to remember that these are still wild animals, and visitors must exercise caution and respect. Feeding the monkeys is strictly prohibited, and visitors should avoid bringing food or drinks into the forest.

The monkeys are often seen playing, grooming each other, and socializing in large groups. Watching their antics is a fascinating and entertaining experience. Visitors should also be aware that the monkeys have been known to snatch bags or items from careless tourists, so it’s important to watch your valuables.

The Sacred Temples within the Forest

As mentioned earlier, several ancient temples were built within the Ubud Monkey Forest, adding to its spiritual and cultural significance. The three main temples in the forest are the Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal, the Pura Beji, and the Pura Prajapati. Each temple has its own unique architecture, history, and rituals, and visitors are welcome to explore them.

One of the most striking features of the temples is their intricate carvings, depicting scenes from Hindu mythology and Balinese culture. The temples also provide a peaceful and serene environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist town.

Planning Your Visit to Ubud Monkey Forest

ubud monkey forest

Best Time to Visit

The forest is open every day from 8:30 am to 6 pm, and the best time to visit is in the morning when the monkeys are most active. It’s also best to avoid visiting during the rainy season, from October to March, as the forest can be slippery and muddy.

Entrance Fees and Guided Tours

The entrance fee for the forest is IDR 80,000 (around $5.5) for adults and IDR 60,000 (around $4) for children. Guided tours are also available, and visitors can hire a guide for around IDR 75,000 (around $5) per person. The guides are knowledgeable about the history, culture, and ecology of the forest, and can provide invaluable insights and stories.

How to Get There

The Ubud Monkey Forest is located in the centre of Ubud and is easily accessible by car, motorcycle, or taxi. It’s a 10-15 minute walk from the Ubud town centre or a 5-minute drive. Visitors can also rent a bicycle and cycle to the attraction, enjoying the scenic route.

Tips for a Memorable Experience

ubud monkey forest

Interacting with the Monkeys

When interacting with the monkeys, it’s important to be gentle, respectful, and cautious. Visitors should not touch or corner the monkeys and should avoid eye contact or direct confrontation. If approached by a monkey, it’s best to stay calm and avoid panicking or running away.

What to Wear and Bring

The forest can be hot, humid, and muddy, so visitors should wear comfortable and breathable clothes and sturdy shoes. It’s also important to bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Visitors can also bring a camera or a phone but should be careful not to obstruct the monkeys or endanger themselves.

Respecting the Sacred Sites

The temples within the Ubud Monkey Forest are still active places of worship, and visitors should show respect and reverence. Visitors should dress modestly, remove shoes and hats before entering the temples, and avoid making loud noises or disrupting the rituals.

Other Attractions in Ubud

ubud monkey forest

Ubud Palace

The Ubud Palace is another landmark of Ubud, located in the town’s centre. The palace was built in the 18th century and served as the residence and court of the local prince. Today, the palace is open to visitors and offers a glimpse into the traditional Balinese architecture and art.

Tegalalang Rice Terrace

The Tegalalang Rice Terrace is a stunning natural wonder located north of Ubud. The rice terraces form a magnificent green staircase, creating a breathtaking panorama. Visitors can explore the terraces, take a walk along the path, and enjoy the fresh air and spectacular views.

Campuhan Ridge Walk

The Campuhan Ridge Walk is a scenic hiking trail located near the Ubud Town Centre. The trail follows a ridge that offers views of the surrounding landscape, including rice fields, valleys, and rivers. The walk is easy and peaceful, and a great way to escape the tourist crowds and immerse in the nature of Bali.

Summing It Up

The Ubud Monkey Forest attraction is much more than just a monkey habitat; it’s a place of spirituality, history, and culture. By visiting the forest and its temples, visitors can learn about the meaning and significance of the forest and the role it plays in Balinese society. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, visitors can have a safe and memorable experience and appreciate the unique beauty and diversity of Bali.

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